Income Protection

Income Protection provides you with a replacement income if you were unable to work due to illness or injury that kept you away from your work. Unfortunately, many of us rely entirely on our employers' providing us with health benefits but how long do they actually last? If you had an accident or illness for a prolonged period of time, how long would your company continues to pay your salary for? Up to 3 to 6 months perhaps? What would happen if your income were to suddenly cease because you had become ineligible for further benefits. Can you imagine the stress and the worry this would cause whilst you were recuperating?

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Without the ability to provide an income owing to illness or accident, the resultant loss of yours, and your family's financial security could be devastating. In addition any future financial objectives such as holidays, school fees and eventual retirement, along with the Ferrari that you had always dreamed about, would be impossible to achieve let alone your every day needs such as food, car and house payments!!

An Income Protection Plan will provide you with a regular monthly income when an illness or injury prevents you from working. The income will start after a deferment period of three or six months and you can select which deferment period suits your requirements according to the commencement of any shortfall which you otherwise would have received from your company. The income will continue to be paid until you are fit enough to return to work. However, if you are never fit enough to return to work the replacement income could be paid until you reach age 65, which would normally be your retirement age.

Premiums are calculated on your occupation and benefit require :ENQUIRY FORM